C# using config files

However, putting the settings in the machine configuration file can make your system more maintainable. For example, if you have a third-party component that both your client and server application uses, it is easier to put the settings for that component in one place. In this case, the machine configuration file is the appropriate place for the settings, so you don't have the same settings in two different files.

For more information about how the common language runtime uses the machine configuration file for assembly binding, see How the Runtime Locates Assemblies. An application configuration file contains settings that are specific to an app. This file includes configuration settings that the common language runtime reads such as assembly binding policy, remoting objects, and so on , and settings that the app can read. The name and location of the application configuration file depend on the app's host, which can be one of the following:.

These apps have two configuration files: a source configuration file, which is modified by the developer during development, and an output file that is distributed with the app. When you develop in Visual Studio, place the source configuration file for your app in the project directory and set its Copy To Output Directory property to Copy always or Copy if newer.

The name of the configuration file is the name of the app with a. For example, an app called myApp. Visual Studio automatically copies the source configuration file to the directory where the compiled assembly is placed to create the output configuration file, which is deployed with the app.

In some cases, Visual Studio may modify the output configuration file; for more information, see the Redirecting assembly versions at the app level section of the Redirecting Assembly Versions article. For more information about ASP. NET Configuration Settings. In this tag, location is a URL to the configuration file. This sets the app base. The configuration file must be located on the same website as the app.

In this article, you will learn about the four ways to read the configuration setting in C. Config or App. Config in C. There are different ways to set the values inside the configuration file and read their values, which are based on the defined keys. We define those values inside the configuration section, which might be needed to make it more secure.

It can be some secret keys or the value, which should be received frequently. Just create one console Application, as shown below. We need to add System. Configuration assembly reference to access configuration settings, using ConfigurationManager. To add the reference, just right click References and click to add references. We can add these settings either inside Web. Just follow the example given below, where inside the appSettings section; we have defined few keys and their values.

To access these values, there is one static class named ConfigurationManager, which has one getter property named AppSettings. We can just pass the key inside the AppSettings and get the desired value from AppSettings section, as shown below.

If we need to add the settings inside the section for the separation, in this situation, we can create a custom section inside the configuration section in App.

Config, as shown below. This section can make your data more readable and understandable based on your section name. To access custom section settings, we first need to find out the section, using GetSection method, which is defined inside the ConfigurationManager class and cast the return value as NameValueCollection. Now we are all set to use those settings from our application. Just use like following code samples when you want to retrieve those values:.

With this, you can store multiple values for a specific settings in a separate section on the configuration file. So, if you are working on a. NET application, you should definitely always use this configuration file for storing dynamic settings values instead of using as hard-coded and on any other kind of file like.

Github: ranacseruet. Collections; using System. Configuration; using System. Data; using System. Linq; using System. Web; using System. Security; using System. UI; using System. HtmlControls; using System. WebControls; using System. WebParts; using System.


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